Website Design Services

Helping businesses assemble secure and scalable Web Development Solutions

What is Website Design?

Website Design is the process of designing websites, applications, and other digital interfaces. A web designer uses HTML code to program websites and CSS to standardize its visual language. As a result, he delivers an outstanding user experience and helps the company in achieving its objectives. With a good website design, you can make people see your brand the way you want to show. Furthermore, with the proper visual marketing strategy, your business will attract the target audience and turn them into customers. 

Types of website design

At AVingenious, our website design team creates six different types of websites according to the client’s needs.

A static website remains constant all the time. This is one of the easiest styles of a website design and it makes use of basic or fixed code. The layout of a static website appears the same across all platforms because of its ready-to-use site size and components.

Dynamic websites are made specifically for interaction. This layout allows website users to engage with the content hence delivering a more engaging user experience. Dynamic website designs are best for web design which calls for a bit extra flexibility in its structure.

Liquid Website Design expands or reduces the webpage along with the website elements according to the size of the device.

This is the most adaptable form of website design. A responsive website adjusts to the browser, layout, and display. Be it a smartphone, tablet, computer, or desktop you can count on this layout to adjust and provide the best viewing experience. It resizes the pictures, wraps the text, and modifies the navigation overall to the screen size.

Adaptive website design is used where flexibility is required. This design identifies the screen size and modifies the page layout, similar to a responsive website. But in this type of design, there are already pre-set parameters specified. For this, web designers will make an adaptable website for standard screen sizes like 480, 960, 1200, etc.

A single-page website design showcases all the content on your website onto one page. Your viewers will get a linear, straightforward user experience. They can scroll down the homepage to find out more about your business.  

Responsive Functionality

Responsive functionality is important today as clients and users view websites on different ranges of devices. So no matter whether your audience is viewing it from a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, our customized web design service guarantees that your website looks the same and operates smoothly on all platforms.

We use unique responsive design strategies to make sure the layout of your website adapts easily to different screen sizes. With this feature, you can be sure that all of your visitors will completely enjoy your website. In addition to this, responsive functionality is also important for your website SEO as Google now sees your website from a mobile view.

Why AVingenious

AVingenious Technologies is one of the best-reputed website design companies that helps clients in improving their online existence. We do more than only design websites. We have a creative design team that can help you stand out from the competition and boost your future growth. Our experts go deep into your business to create a website that best reflects your business and helps you in achieving your long-term objectives. As a result, we focus on delivering a completely seamless and rich user experience. 

Steps we Follow

Our Website Design team follows 7 easy steps to complete the overall process

Identify Goal

We closely collaborate with our clients to identify the objectives and needs the new website must have. 

Project Scope

Once we are familiar with the objectives, we move on to establish the scope of the project. This includes the features and web pages needed for the website and how much time it will take to build. 

Creating A Sitemap And Wireframes

After a clear understanding of the scope, comes the sitemap creation. In this phase, we create a wireframe of the website to determine how the features discussed in the scope phase will operate. 

Content Creation

At this phase, we get a clearer idea of the overall layout of the website. Next, we begin developing the content for the individual pages. With this, we always keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind so that webpage content targets the right audience.

Visual Components

In this phase, we start developing the visual identity. This process completely depends on our clients, i.e. how they want their website to appear. But we also create the visual style from scratch.


We test everything that we have designed to determine how each page will appear to a user and make sure all of the web pages work properly. We also use automatic web crawlers together with manual sites on different devices to find everything from broken links to user experience problems.


We showcase to our client the overall look and working of the website and once the client is satisfied, we make the website live. For this, we chose a quick and scalable hosting platform. Even after the completion of the overall website design process, we always do testing, add fresh content and new elements, and update the message to make your website better and more effective.

Identify Goal

We closely collaborate with our clients to identify the objectives and needs the new website must have. 

Project Scope

Once we are familiar with the objectives, we move on to establish the scope of the project. This includes the features and web pages needed for the website and how much time it will take to build. 

Creating A Sitemap And Wireframes

After a clear understanding of the scope, comes the sitemap creation. In this phase, we create a wireframe of the website to determine how the features discussed in the scope phase will operate. 

Content Creation

At this phase, we get a clearer idea of the overall layout of the website. Next, we begin developing the content for the individual pages. With this, we always keep search engine optimization (SEO) in mind so that webpage content targets the right audience.

Visual Components

In this phase, we start developing the visual identity. This process completely depends on our clients, i.e. how they want their website to appear. But we also create the visual style from scratch.


We test everything that we have designed to determine how each page will appear to a user and make sure all of the web pages work properly. We also use automatic web crawlers together with manual sites on different devices to find everything from broken links to user experience problems.


We showcase to our client the overall look and working of the website and once the client is satisfied, we make the website live. For this, we chose a quick and scalable hosting platform. Even after the completion of the overall website design process, we always do testing, add fresh content and new elements, and update the message to make your website better and more effective.

Technology We used


At AVingenious, first, we understand your website needs thoroughly. Then we set up the best and most appropriate domain name, hosting providers, unique design, and content. In addition, we design your website with SEO and performance optimization in mind. 

This completely depends on your needs. But, we suggest building a website with a few pages is better to make easy optimization for search engines in the future. Adding a lot of content to a single-page website might be challenging.

Yes, of course, having a mobile-friendly website is important. We work our best to deliver a website that looks great on various devices.

A hero image is basically a large banner picture that is shown at the top of a web page and fills the whole width of the page. The hero picture is typically the first thing visitors view on your website because of its dominant place.

Our well-structured website design will increase your user experience and help you get more conversions. Your visitors will get an excellent visual appearance along with smooth functioning, and hence draw in more potential customers. 

ready to create a fresh website and improve your user experience?

We look forward to help your brand looks impressive through our Web Design service